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Download Day - English

Today, I 've seen an intresting link while working with GooG.
At first it was shocking. An "offline" link near my email id.

At last I 've realised that it if of GooG Gears, http://gears.google.com/ another easter Egg for me from GooG . GooG Uncle is great,.

Last day, I found that my Google toolbar is not working well.
Are you wontered to see why I am talking like this ?
Here is the screenshoot. Lol :)

Hi guyz,
Today while downloading file from new rapidshare.com, I got free premium power !!
Yes, it says, Happy hour download your file without waiting.
Any way, I am looking for a day when rapidshare removes premium account and allow every one to have premium access with no waiting , captcha and download accelerator support.
Here is what I see ..

Today, I found new ads set on Gmail inbox !!
There is an option to hide ads in the mail opened panel. But the ads load even I disabled it from " Web clips " Option.
One of the great feature that made me addict of big G is ads free service from yahoo.com and hotmail.com . Is that is loosing?
No I don't think.
May be it will take time to apply the change !